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The most important advantage that Iran's capital market has in comparison with other regional markets is that there are 37 industries [6] directly involved in it. Industries such as the automotivetelecommunicationsagriculturepetrochemicalmining, steel iron, copperbanking and insurancefinancial mediation and others trade shares at the stock market, which forex profit supreme system it unique in the Middle East.
The second advantage is that most of the state-owned firms are being privatized under the general policies of article 44 in the Iranian constitution. Under the circumstances, people are allowed to buy the shares of newly privatized firms. The concept of stock industrialization dates towhen Bank Mellitogether with Belgian experts, issued a report detailing a plan for an operational stock exchange in Iran.
However, the plan was not implemented prior to the outbreak of World War II, and did not gain traction untilwhen the Government revisited the issue and ratified the " Stock Exchange Act [ permanent dead link ] ", forex profit supreme system. Initially limited in size and scope, the Tehran Stock Exchange the "TSE" began operations intrading only in corporate and government bonds. Iran's rapid economic expansion in the s, coupled with a popular desire to participate in the country's economic growth through the financial markets, led to a demand for equity.
The Government became actively engaged in the process, by granting shares to employees of large state-owned and family-owned enterprises. Market activity increased substantially, as both companies and high-net-worth individuals participated in the new-found wealth associated with the TSE.
Everything came to a standstill after the Islamic Revolution leading in a prohibition against interest-based activities and nationalization of major banks and industrial giants. Mobilization of all resources towards the war effort during the forex profit supreme system Iran—Iraq War did not help matters.
Following the end of the war, the Budget Act re-established activity on the TSE, and within eight years the exchange saw its numbers rise to companies listed. The Government fully embraced economic reforms and a privatization initiative in with a surge of activity in share activity of many state-owned companies through the defined targets in the first " Five-Year Economic Reform " where the Government together forex profit supreme system the Parliament defined the economic prospects of the country for the coming five years.
Attention to promotion of the private sector and new interest in the TSE brought life back to the market. However, lack of regulation and out-of-date legal framework led to crisis in the market leading to certain "meltdowns". Over the to period an automated trading system was introduced, and a number of important regulatory mechanisms were strengthened.
Other complementary markets have also been established alongside the equities market. Inthe Tehran Metal Exchange now called the Iran Mercantile Exchange after its merger with the Agricultural Exchange in was launched. SinceTSE has been a full member of the World Federation of Exchanges the former Fédération Internationale des Bourses de Valeurs or FIBVand is a founding member of Federation of Euro-Asian Stock Exchanges FEAS.
The symbol of the TSE is a highly stylized representation of an Achaemedian dynasty BC gun-metal relief artifact, which was found in Lorestan province. The artifact features four men, hand in hand, indicating unity and cooperation. They are shown standing inside circles of the globe, which is in turn, according to ancient Iranian myth, supported on the backs of two cows, symbols of intelligence and prosperity. Under its new structure, TSE has online tradingan arbitration board, forex profit supreme system, digital signatureinvestor protection, surveillance mechanisms as well as post-trade systems.
Trading takes place through the Automated Trade Execution System from 9am to 12 noon, which is integrated with a clearing, settlement, depository and registry system. The Tehran Stock Exchange TSE has started an ambitious modernization program aimed at increasing market transparency and attracting more domestic and foreign investors.
Concrete measures that have been taken in the planning and operations of the forex profit supreme system exchange such as the settlement system, geographical expansion, new exchange laws in order to attract local and foreign capital. The TSE has installed the new trading system which has been purchased from Atos Euronext Market Solutions AEMS in The new system makes it possible to purchase and sell stocks on the same day.
The system has also made it possible for 2, brokerage stations to work simultaneously, while the number was just about in the past. The rise in electronic dealing, non-stop input and updated data on orders, transactions and indices are among other features of the new system. The new system has made it possible to link the stock market to the international bourses. The bourse can now handle transactions per second andtransactions per day.
The trading system is an order driven system, which matches buying and selling orders of the forex profit supreme system. Investors can place their orders with Forex profit supreme system accredited brokerswho enter these orders into the trading system. The mechanism for which forex profit supreme system price of equities is determined is as follows: [3]. Under the price priority rule, a selling buying order with the lowest highest price takes precedence.
Under the time priority rule, an earlier order takes precedence over others at the same price. Thus, when the lowest sell and the highest buy orders match in price, the transaction is executed at the price. In short, the TSE market is a pure order-driven Market. The trading system also generates and displays details of current and historical trading activity, including prices, volumes traded and outstanding buy and sell orders.
This ensures that investors have the required information to be able to take informed investment decisions. Short selling is not permitted. There are no minimum trading lots. TSESC is a member of Association of National Numbering Agencies ANNA. Besides the Main and Secondary Marketthere is a Corporate participation certificates Market corporate bonds.
Secondary Market is an exchange facility where the listed securities of small and mid-size companies can be traded efficiently and competitively. Since importers and exporters have also been permitted to trade foreign-exchange certificates on the TSE, creating a floating value for the rial known as the "TSE rate". In the "official rate" was abolished, and the TSE rate became the basis for the new unified foreign exchange regime. SinceIran has been developing an over-the-counter OTC market for bonds and equities aka Iran Fara Bourse or Farabourse.
Trading takes place through licensed private brokers registered with the Securities and Exchange Organization of Iran. Thirty-one of the 88 brokerages active in the TSE are licensed to trade the futures contracts.
The leverage for futures contracts is set at 1-to TSE will only deal in the derivatives through electronic trading. Starting Marchinvestors are able to trade in the Iranian stock market through the Internet from anywhere in the world, or get all the necessary information before traveling to Iran.
in once the sanctions are lifted. Presently, TSE trades mainly in securities offered by listed companies. As ofequities and corporate bonds e. Sukuk are being traded at TSE. The introduction of project-based participation certificates that bear a fixed annual return during the period of the project and promise the final settlement of the profit at the date of its completion, has diversified the market.
Incommodity Futures came onto the Iran Mercantile Exchange IME. According to the Wall Street Journal inIran is "full of well-run companies". A total of companies from these sectors are listed on the TSE, which translates to Largest stocks include:.
This indicates that the capital market in Tehran is heavily concentrated on four economic sectors with companies that make up nearly half of the total listed companies on the exchange. For Fortune companies, forex profit supreme system, the average gross profit margin was 6. After mining, forex profit supreme system, other industries with highest margins are base metals, and telecommunications. The worst performers were home appliances and electronics.
The sharp decline of the Rial in has made exports more competitive, forex profit supreme system. More than half the weight of the Iranian stock market cap belongs to such companies, forex profit supreme system. The Government of Iran directly holds 35 percent of the TSE, while securing another 40 percent through pension funds and investment companies such as the Social Security Investment Companyone of the largest institutional investors on the TSE.
Bonyads also play a significant role in TSE trading. Forex profit supreme system fewer than 5 percent of Iranians owned stock. By March3. As ofabout foreign investors including 25 Iranian citizens abroad comprise 0. This number increased to in As of21 mutual funds managed by permitted brokerage firms and investment banks are investing in the TSE according to the investment funds regulation.
Mutual funds are open ended and their operation permission is issued by the Iran Securities and Exchange Organization SEO. Inthe All-Shares Price Index TEPIX was introduced to the market as the main indicator of share price movements. TEPIX is a weighted market value of all share prices appearing on the TSE Board and is measured every two minutes. In addition to the TEPIX, daily price indices of shares of each company, each sector, and the "Top Fifty" most active companies TSE are computed.
The TSE has had an exceptional performance over the past 5 years. Some 3 million trade exchanges were made, pushing up the index to 12, forex profit supreme system, units from the previous 8, units. On August 2,the TSE main index TEPIX reached a record level of 16, forex profit supreme system, despite US-sponsored sanctions against Iran.
Given the relative low market valuation of TSE stocks inforex profit supreme system, the upward trend was expected to continue over the long run, rather than being a bubble. On April 9,TSE's main index TEPIX hit a new all-time record high at 26, over a boost from the stocks of metal and shipping industries. Overall, Tehran stock exchange posted the second highest gains in global markets in TEPIX up Meanwhile, the German's DAX DAX INDEX lost Stock markets of emerging economies, like Brazil's Brazil Bovespa Index IBOV INDEXshed Export-oriented companies have been favoured because of the imposition of an oil embargo by the international community and the consequent sharp decline in the value of the Iranian rial over TEPIX reached 71, on October 14, By comparison, the MSCI Frontier Markets index trades at price-to-earnings multiple of The budget is not expected to bring much growth for many of the domestic industries.
TEDPIX, one of the 2 main indexes, reached an all-time-high offorex profit supreme system, points.
Iran is the last, large untapped emerging market in the forex profit supreme system. According to Goldman SachsIran is forecast to reach the highest economic growth between and and join the world's forex profit supreme system economies world's 12th economy by According to Voltan Capital Management LLC in New York Citygrowth valuations and potential investment upside are similar to frontier markets in their early stage while it has developed characteristics such as well-educated workforcea large middle-class and forex profit supreme system broad industrial base.
In recent years, the role of the private sector has been further on the increase. Foreign investors can bid in Iranian privatization tenders, but need permission from the Economy Ministry on a case-by-case forex profit supreme system.
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